galston community news

St Madeleine’s Sophie First Holy Communion Celebrations

Over two weekends in September the children from all around our local area came together to celebrate their First Holy Communion with Fr.Vincent. The children and their parents have been busy preparing for this sacrament for the past 5 weeks attending meetings and completing activities at home. Seventy children participated in the celebration sharing the day with parents, grandparents and friends. The Church was over flowing with anticipation and lots of excitement.

Communion is one of the seven sacraments of the Church and one which can be described as uniting Catholics to Jesus in a very special way.

Holy Communion and the whole celebration is also known as the Eucharist; it comes from a Greek word meaning ‘thanksgiving’.

There is much to be grateful for; our community, our family and all of these special children who are now closer to Jesus. Congratulations!

Fr. Vincent Savarimuthu is the Parish Priest of St Madeleine Sophie Catholic Church and can be contacted on 9654 2260 or via web page: Masses: Saturday 5.30pm and Sundays 8am,10am and 5.30pm