galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – For Varied Equestrian Activities!

On Thursday 18th August, we held another information night at the Galston Club. Our two guest speakers were from a company called Kelato Animal Health. Kelato’s company motto is “Feel well. Perform well” and they have an extensive range of products covering everything from First Aid to Wormers. Natalie Hackl, BAnVetBioSc (Hon), BEqSt , flew from Queensland especially to give her talk on the ever popular topic of worming. This was such an informative session and a must for every horse owner. Emma-Louise Baldwin spoke about gastric ulcers and their product Gastroaid, again, another very informative session. Goody bags and lucky doors prizes made for a fun night!

These information nights are free to both GEC members and the public, and were what the GEC members said they wanted in our beginning of year survey. Attendance to this night was OK but for us to continue organising these nights, your attendance is needed. It’s not very often that a club puts on regular free information nights so please make sure you take advantage of these.

Sunday 28th August was our Clear Round Showjumping day. This is a day of encouragement and an opportunity for people to have a go at jumping higher. Everyone can jump more than one round at the one height, and then higher heights also, if they wish. It is not a competition, but you do get a ribbon if you get a clear round. We ran 7 different heights from cross rails through to 1 metre, and the 32 horse/rider combinations jumped 72 rounds of show jumping. Many riders had their first go at a new height and there were many smiles and cheers of success throughout the day! A huge thank you to our sponsors, Bendigo Bank and Horse Float and Trailer Repairs, that enabled us to purchase new show jumping equipment this year. We hope lots of riders will join us at our Inaugural Derby Day on 23 October to try something new!

Our Dressage Protocol Day on 3rd September was very successful, with grateful riders extremely happy to have their tests moved to indoor arenas, instead of having the day cancelled due to the rain-soaked grounds. Gisela Nilsson-Harding ( international A grade dressage judge) judged and instructed her riders at Durham Park Stud in Arcadia, and Prue Spurrett (C grade judge) judged and helped her riders at Suntori Park. The feedback from the students was excellent, with all thrilled with the positive instruction and help that only years of experience can give. A big thank you to Gisela and Prue for their time and expertise.

Tana Subotic ran a great day of Poles and Grids on 11th September, resulting in more confident riders and lots of smiling faces! Unfortunately Suzanne Bellette had to cancel the Agility and Equitation.

Remember to check Facebook and our website for up to date information.

Events coming up :
25th September – Dressage competition – open
9th October – Combined Training Competition – members only – entries via Nominate
23rd October – Mark Rodney Clinic at the Rural Sports Facility grounds
23rd October – Inaugural Derby Day at Dural Pony Club grounds – entries via Nominate
13 November – Training Day
27 November – Dressage Competition (Members Only)