galston community news

Crim-proof the whole family at the Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) turbocharged event of the year!

Monday October 3 – Sunday October 9 marks Neighbourhood Watch Week – a Neighbourhood Watch Australasia initiative, aiming to bring focus onto Neighbourhood Watch in the 21st Century. Jointly with the New South Wales Police Force, various events will be held around Sydney to mark this important campaign.

Neighbourhood Watch within the NSW Police – Kuring Gai Local Area Command, together with the local Police, are putting on a NHW Roadshow full of short, engaging, punchy presentations. The one-of-akind event, with the overall theme of “Bringing Back Community”, will be held on Wednesday October 5 at Ku-ring-gai Town Hall.

Using a ‘speed dating’ type format, the fast-paced program aims to showcase to the public attending what has changed since they last took a look at their crime prevention measures – and how they can help protect themselves, and even get involved with local crime solving!

The day will consist of short, informative talks by various law enforcement officers – nothing over 10 minutes long each – as well as specialty speakers, delving into the subjects that matter most to our community members – such as the rise in identity theft and fraud, what to do if your home is broken into, how to report domestic violence and how anyone can assist with provincial issues such as graffiti removal. A range of the latest security products will be show-cased, with a focus on RFID* protection.

The public can choose to attend either of two separate sessions on the day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with lunch provided in between for anyone who wants to stay back late or arrive early.

Our local NSW Police Force Youth Liaison Officer will be on hand to give little ones a safety talk, but it’s not all serious business – there are also plenty of fun activities to keep the kids busy including kiddy police car rides, colouring-in, sniffer dog puppies, police dress-ups, finger-printing and a special appearance by the New South Wales Police Force Highway Patrol.

It’s a turbo-charged event in so many ways!
There will be numerous FREE goodies, and fantastic Lucky Door Prizes on hand thanks to Strandbags, in keeping wih the RFID* focus. (Radio Frequency Identification) refers to the technology used in credit cards for PayPass, Tap and Go etc.

Details of the Event, are as follows:
Date:  Wednesday 05 October, 2016
Time:  9:30 – 11:30am – Morning Session
11:30 – 1:30pm – Lunch provided by Ku-ring-gai Council
1:30 – 3:30pm – Afternoon Session
Location:  Ku-ring-gai Town Hall 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble 2073
For more information contact: Julia Eagles: 0410 687 412