galston community news

Outcome of Conciliation Conference – Glenorie Shopping Village

The Hills Shire Council received 76 submissions from residents regarding the Shop Top Housing development at Glenorie Shopping Village.

At the conciliation conference arranged by Hills Shire Council approximately 40 residents attended plus 4 attendees from the Applicant including Mr Tassie Pirina, his Architect and Planning Consultant.

There were approximately 6 speakers on behalf of the residents and they raised a number of issues. These included:: 1. The proposal does not enhance or integrate the village
2. Units are not in keeping with the character of the area
3. Concerns over the loading dock being close to residents
4. Removal of waste considering the number of residential apartments and retail spaces.
5. Impact on traffic flows along Post Office Road, in conjunction with Woolworths and Glenorie RSL Club
6. Overshadowing and privacy impacts on local residents.

The applicant’s Architect responded to most the questions raised, and took a few questions for further investigation. He stated that the development would comply with all council regulations and Australian Standards.

Council confirmed that they will consider the issues raised during the Conference and this would help inform their decision.

If you wish to read the Minutes of the Conciliation Conference, they are available on our website at