galston community news

Household Chemical Cleanout at The Hills

Household Chemical Cleanout at The Hills

Ready your chemicals, not for making scientific concoctions, but for proper disposal. The Hills Shire Council is having its FREE Household Chemical Cleanout from Saturday, 30 November, to Sunday, 1 December, at the Castle Hill Showground. The event will run from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Drop off limited quantities of any of the following: Paint and […]

Christmas Cheer is Here

Christmas Cheer is Here

Brass bands, fresh Christmas trees, Christmas carols and festive markets are all happening over the next few weeks to celebrate Christmas Cheer. JANUARY 2ND 2024 The Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Rose Garden is one of the largest of its kind in NSW, with over 4,000 roses from 80 different species. The garden also features concrete […]