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Stringer Road Reserve Nears Completion

Stringer Road Reserve Nears Completion

By Dr Peter Gangemi – Mayor of The Hills Shire Council Stringer Road Reserve, the largest sports complex in North Kellyville is now getting very close to completion. I inspected the works that are taking place and am amazed at the speed our contractors are working at to get the facility open for our residents […]

Democracy Sausages Servicing History

Democracy Sausages Servicing History

By Mackenzie Holland St Andrews Uniting Church in Richmond spent last Saturday fundraising, with every sausage and cake sold helping to protect the history of the church built in 1845. $1800 was raised between the two stalls to help finance the renovation of the church ceiling. The Church also runs other activities through the year such as […]

Return Postal Votes Today

The NSW Electoral Commission is reminding anyone who has yet to return their postal vote for the 2024 NSW Local Government elections to put it in the post today. To be counted, ballot papers and postal vote certificates must have been completed by 6 PM Saturday, 14 September (election day). Acting NSW Electoral Commissioner Dr […]