galston community news

The Hills Winter Sleepout 2024

The Hills Winter Sleepout 2024

In honour of National Homelessness Awareness Month, Bella Vista Farm hosted its 11th annual Hills Winter Sleepout, raising funds and awareness for homeless individuals and victims of domestic violence in the Hills. According to the 2021 census, approximately 122,000 individuals experience homelessness every day across Sydney. This appears in various forms such as couch surfing, living […]

Rouse Hill Hospital Latest

Rouse Hill Hospital

Community Information sessions regarding plans for the new $700-million Rouse Hill Hospital development are being held between now and Thursday, 12th September at various locations. The sessions are an opportunity to ask the project team questions and provide feedback. Rouse Hill Hospital is expected to include: an emergency department and primary access clinic in-patient beds and a […]