galston community news

Norfolk Island Visit

Norfolk Island

The Hills Branch of National Seniors and Hills to Hawkesbury’s Ivor Jones have organised a tour to historic Norfolk Island. With just a few vacancies left, the tour will depart Sydney Wednesday 30th October to Wednesday 6th November. The fully escorted tour will spend the week exploring this South Pacific paradise and meeting some of […]

Celebrating Platypus Month in the Hills

Platypus Month: The Platypus Project In The Hills

A research project in the Hills and Hawkesbury has highlighted the exciting possibility of 18 wild platypus locations in the Cattai Creek, from Fred Caterson Reserve to the Hawkesbury River. Until Dr Michelle Ryan, lead researcher in the ‘Hawkesbury Nepean Platypus Project,’ discovered Bluey in Cattai Creek, the last recorded sighting in the Hills was in […]