Glenorie Probus Club Activities
Glenorie Probus Club has had an interesting month. The guest speaker at the monthly meeting was Norman King an ex Qantas Engineer. He told us the story of the recovery of the first Boeing 707 purchase by Qantas in 1959. It came to the attention of a group of Qantas engineers that the plane was […]
Paver Tales: The Origins of the Beard Place and Venetta Road Names
As part of our fund raising activities for the Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence, the GPA has been offering Glenorie district locals and families the opportunity to have their names engraved in pavers and laid in perpetuity in a path in the precinct of the Glenorie Memorial Hall, opposite Woolworths. As a result of this exercise, […]
Galston CWA
As we move into Winter, the ladies from Galston CWA are very busy working to assist those needing help in our communities, here taste treating some new raspberry and strawberry fruit butters for inclusion in the jams and relishes they create. We do appreciate donations of fruits and vegetables, as well as yarns for knitting […]