galston community news

Hidden in the Hills – Insects

Hidden In The Hills - Insects

The variety of insects that can be found in a bushland environment is quite amazing. However, it does take a considerably sharp eye, coupled with much patience to be able to get close enough to many of them – the larger ones in particular. Most visible insects do not stay very long in the same […]

Galston District Garden Club

Galston District Garden Club - Grow Passionfruit Vine

The Galston District Garden Club met again on the 12th April welcoming many visitors and two new members. The members enjoyed a very informative talk about “Soil” and in May the guest speaker’s topic will be “ Trees”. You are more than welcome to come and enjoy the company of gardeners for a chat and […]

Careflight: Mid-40s Man Injured Near Wisemans Ferry

Careflight: Mid-40s Man Injured Near Wisemans Ferry

On Tuesday morning, 14 May 2024, a man in his mid-40s suffered face and eye injuries at a property near Wisemans Ferry.  The Mounties Care CareFlight Helicopter and the medical team attended the incident past 9:00 AM.  According to the aeromedical charity, the helicopter landed in a nearby paddock while a neighbour helped transport the team to the […]