galston community news

Check Out Charlie’s New Single

In exciting music news, Cherrybrook crooner Charlie Chech has officially released his debut single Speak Softly, Love – a beautiful, modern rendition of the famous Nino Rota theme song from The Godfather movies. The 18-year-old talent recorded his first single at the Sony Music Australia studios in Sydney, as part of the prestigious Talent Development […]

AGRA President Report September

AGRA returned to face-to-face meetings during the past twelve months at The Galston Club. AGRA membership is currently at 106 members, and we have regular Facebook posts for the general community to keep them informed. AGRA has seen an eventful year with many local issues on the agenda. In addition, the committee has worked collaboratively […]

CWA Fundraiser

Join us for a fashion fundraiser over lunch on Tuesday 18th October at The Galston Club, showcasing beautiful ensembles by Donna Lou Fashions. All funds raised will go towards supporting charities in the local community. Tickets are just $25, morning tea and lunch are included with the fashion parade. There will be a raffle and […]

NSW SES Embraces New Era of Warnings

The NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) will soon transition to an overhauled warning system under the new nation-wide Australian Warning System, to be introduced next month. The Australian Warning System is a national three-tiered warning framework which will cover all emergency services organisations and all hazards. Under the Australian Warning System there are three […]

Goodbye Glenorie, Thanks for the Memories

After nearly five years of trading it’s time to say goodbye to all our wonderful customers, friends, neighbours and supporters. It has been a privilege to meet so many lovely people from Glenorie and surrounding suburbs. We could not have lasted this long without your continued custom. Dawn and I have enjoyed meeting you all […]