galston community news

Cinnamon Celebrates Its 2nd Birthday


Cinnamon started August 2020 selling European and Australian brands, we have now survived lockdown, being closed for 3 months and are bringing on new brands to suit all of our beautiful customers needs. Having missed our 1 year anniversary last year, we want to celebrate bigger than ever for our 2 year birthday. Mandy, Jenny […]

Applications Encouraged for Hills Community Grants Program

Hills Community Grants

Community groups, organisation and not-forprofits are being encouraged to apply for the latest round of Hills Community Grants. The annual program, which opens on August 1 to applicants, provides funding between $1000 and $15,000 to projects which fall within four main priority areas, including: Events that connect the community; Domestic violence prevention and recovery; Mental […]

Funding Needed For Blackspots and Safer Roads

road projects

The State and Federal Governments are being called upon to fund 6 major road projects across the Hills in a bid to help reduce the number of accidents in the area. Hills Shire Council is pushing for $2 million to go towards safety upgrades on Annangrove Road, including installing flexible barriers, adding vehicle-activated advanced warning […]

Hornsby RSL Club Hotel Expansion All Set

Hornsby RSL Club

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″ offset=”vc_col-lg-1/5 vc_col-md-1/5 vc_col-xs-1/5″][us_image image=”81825″ size=”thumbnail” align=”left” style=”circle” has_ratio=”1″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″ offset=”vc_col-lg-4/5 vc_col-md-4/5 vc_col-xs-4/5″][vc_column_text]By Annette Madjarian[/vc_column_text][us_post_date][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hornsby RSL Club’s plan to build a 12-storey hotel and six-storey retirement village is back on the agenda, thanks to Hornsby Council progressing its development application at the 13 July Council meeting. The RSL Club’s planning proposal is the […]

Programmed For Success

Summer Netball Pacific Hills Christian School

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″ offset=”vc_col-lg-1/5 vc_col-md-1/5 vc_col-xs-1/5″][us_image image=”81787″ size=”thumbnail” align=”left” style=”circle” has_ratio=”1″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″ offset=”vc_col-lg-4/5 vc_col-md-4/5 vc_col-xs-4/5″][vc_column_text]By Craig Hingston[/vc_column_text][us_post_date][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pacific Hills Christian School is celebrating another outstanding achievement by students in a prestigious nationwide Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition. The University of NSW Programming Competition is the premier event in Australia for senior students to test their […]