galston community news

Hillside Public School Open Day – Le Café

At Hillside, all students are able to reach their full potential. A wonderful opportunity to observe the rich variety of experiences available to the students, will be at our Open Day on Tuesday 7 August at 1:30pm. Our talented students, from Kindergarten to Year 6 will entertain the guests with a humorous French play, followed […]

News from Galston High School – The Young Endeavour

Three students from Galston High School recently embarked on a life-changing voyage of the high seas as part of the Young Endeavour program. Students had to apply and then go through a rigorous interview process. These weren’t the only skills that resulted from the experience, as they explain: Keenan: The experience threw us straight into […]

News from – Galston Early Learning Centre

Galston Early Learning has had an exciting past few weeks as we have had the opportunity to redesign part of our outdoor learning space. Last October the centre received a generous grant from ‘Galston Bendigo Bank’ to contribute to this project and we were then able to start planning. Over the past several days we […]

The Galston Concerts – Sydney Symphony Orchestra Fellows

2pm Sunday 29 July 2018 Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Road, Galston The pastoral serenity of a Brahms Serenade, the buoyant classicism of Mozart’s oboe quartet and a chamber suite steeped in 1920s jazz by Schulhoff (a Ragtime, Shimmy, Tango & a Boston Waltz). This is a concert to leave you smiling on a Sunday […]

Castle Hill Art – Society Paul Mccarthy

Acrylic Demonstration – “Bashing with a brush” Wednesday 5th September 7.30pm Watch a frantic demo of chaos in action. Sure to be a lively splash of colour brought into order. The Castle Hill Art Society’s guest demonstrator will be Paul McCarthy. Paul has been painting and selling his work for over 30 years and has […]

Galston Uniting Church

In June, the Galston Uniting Church Craft Group held working bees to make quilts. Some of these will be available for sale and others donated to children at Westmead Children’s Hospital, to brighten up their stay at the Hospital and then take home. The proceeds from the sales will go to the Church; National Cancer […]

The Clear Command of God: Be Filled with the Spirit

Every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Every believer is baptised by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). Every believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). But what is most needed is that every believer should be filled by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). This is not only the […]

Christian Being not Doing

I have been reflecting on what is a Christian. After all so many call themselves Christian, or at least associate with the term Christian … but has the meaning changed since its first recorded use in Antioch? (Acts 11) Is the word Christian any different in its modern use to the original intent? What is […]

A Worthwhile

Over the last few months we have been considering the subject of hope. Hope is an essential component of meaningful life, but it is important to ask questions about the nature of our hope. On previous occasions we noted that our hopes must be reliable and based on fact rather than fantasy, and they also […]

Glenorie Community Church

“Four students stand outside the Principal’s office at the end of lunchtime. They know that they’re in trouble because what happened in the playground was their fault! Their arguing and name- calling to each other has only made things worse. Now, each one stands ready to defend their own actions and blame everything on at […]