Speaking at Australian Plants Society

The Australian Plants Society-North Shore Group will meet 7-30 pm for 8 pm on Friday May 11th in the Willow Park Community hall, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. Our speaker will be Ross Rapmund from Hornsby Council Community Nursery and his topic is: “Showy Monocots” What’s a “monocot”? Come to this talk to find out […]
Utricularia Gibba – The Carnivore!

On a recent visit to a neighbour, my attention was drawn to a dainty, very pretty bright yellow flower. It measured only a centimeter across and sat on tiny fragile stem, blooming on mass in a small water feature. On questioning what it was and where it came from, I was given detailed information. ‘Well, […]
Dural & Hills Distric Garden Club Inc
Our Garden club is a vibrant and progressive club where great times are had visiting gardens, overnight trips to see other gardens, and monthly meetings with good speakers sharing information about plants, garden tools and many interesting topics to do with gardening. This year we have had interesting Speakers come and share with us, Brent […]
Bromeliad Society of Australia
The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 12 May with plant sales commencing at 11am prior to the meeting. Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill with plenty of parking on site. Discussion at this […]