galston community news

Get Ready to Leap Into Year One Reading Club

Mayor of the Hills Shire, Dr Michelle Byrne encourages budding readers to explore the wide world of literature with the Year One Reading Club. The Year One Reading Club is already underway at the Hills Shire Libraries and will continue to run until October 31. Members will receive a sticker for their log every time […]

“Charcoal and Ink Portraits of Animals and Birds”

Wednesday 2nd May Jeanette loves to work in various mediums, particularly charcoal and ink and prefers painting in oils. Her subjects are mostly animals, birds and people, but especially horses. She will demonstrate drawing in charcoal and ink using different techniques. Visitors are welcome to join with the Castle Hill Art Society 7.30pm at Castle […]

Young Prizewinning Performers For Bonus Galston Concert

The Galston Concerts offer a special event featuring rising stars from 2pm Sunday 8 April in Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Road, Galston. The concert showcases school-age prizewinners: Matthew Brice, a National euphonium champion; cellist Gabrielle Zhong, a candidate for A.Mus.A. diploma after just six years of study; Alexander Frisina, a member of award-winning saxophone […]

Cherrybrook: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Way back in colonial times, Cherrybrook was part of the Castle Hill Government farm, an area renowned for having soil of ‘best and most productive kind’. It was there in 1838 that pioneers Joseph and Mary Ann Harrison settled on a 65 acre block of land inherited from Mary’s mother, Hannah Russell. The couple built […]

So Many Meanings

I truly admire the families who have come to live in our beautiful country of Australia and who take time to learn our language. Their young people learn English at school while their older family members go to TAFE to study English as a Second Language for two or maybe even three years. They work […]

St Benedict’s Fete – A huge success

We were blessed with brilliant sunshine for our fete on Sunday 11 March and it was a wonderful community event. The chocolate wheel span right through the day, dispensing prizes to lots of happy winners. The cakes were snapped up – our home bakers have a great reputation – and happy shoppers bought craft items, […]

Glenorie Mission Church

Every believer is sealed by the Spirit. Ephesians 4 :30 states: ’Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption’. By this action we are stamped with the sign of God’s ownership, a mark which remains until we are taken home to Heaven. The very […]

Testing Our Local Creek Water

We, at Still Creek Landcare, have been testing the quality of some of our Galston, Arcadia and Berrilee creek waters for the last 9 years. We test for pollution and ability to bear life, salts, phosphorous, oxygen, acidity, turbidity and E.coli. More recently, we have been measuring the presence of biological indicator species such as […]


Is Our World on a Crash Course With Authenticity? As we hide behind walls offering glimpses of reality – those that are “insta” worthy – are we speeding towards a head on collision with truth? The famous retort of Pilate resonates, “What is truth?” Has culture so clouded our judgment that we can no longer […]

Galston Garden Club

Our Social committee has been very busy organising interesting Guest speakers for our meetings and upcoming outings. The guest speaker this month was Ken Bradley, the Garden Clubs Australia representative on the committee for the Remembrance Driveway from Canberra to Sydney. The Remembrance Driveway commemorates those who have served in the ADF from World War II […]